Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Six Months Old & Easter

17lbs 12oz (80th percentile) and 27 1/2 inches (95th percentile)

SIX MONTHS OLD!!!!! WOW... I remember Elise being born like it was just yesterday. I remember holding her for the first time, sharing that first special moment with James as we realized that our lives would be changed forever. But- never in my wildest dreams would I have even believed that I would feel the love for her that I do!!!! She has changed everything about me- and I know that I am a better and HAPPIER person because she is here...

As you can see from the stats above- Elise is growing by leaps and bounds. She started eating cereal approximately one week after she turned 5 months old. She didn't really like it at first and just let it roll around on her tongue and would spit it right back out. Quite honestly- at 6 months old... she hasn't changed her opinion much about cereal. I started adding a small spoonful of banana baby food to the cereal to make it taste better- and now I can get about 5 good spoonfuls in her before she wants to move on!!

Elise's favorite thing to eat is sweet potatoes!! This was the first vegetable that I tried and she LOVED it!! This picture was taken after I had already cleaned her face twice... she was such a mess- even had it in her nose!! Since introducing sweet potatoes, Elise has tried squash and sweet carrots- but doesn't like either one as well as she likes sweet potatoes... so I bought her some more so that she can enjoy them this weekend!!

This past weekend was Easter Sunday and our entire family was invited to dinner at my dad's sister's house (Aunt Eileen). I was lucky enough to get a picture of the three girls... Marissa and Abby smiled great and took a wonderful picture!!! Elise, on the other hand, didn't want to have her picture taken- she wanted to play and watch Aunt Eileen's dog run around the house...

Marissa turned 5 in January and Abby is 7... three beautiful girls!!

Elise got her first Easter Basket from the Easter Bunny. She received a Winnie the Pooh crinkle book and a stuffed yellow duck (which she was holding her in 6 month picture at the beginning of the blog). The Easter Bunny also brought candy for mommy and daddy!!!!

We had a wonderful Holiday weekend with James being home with us ALL THREE DAYS!!!!! He has been working a lot lately- so it was wonderful to have him home and enjoying the weekend with me and Elise. We were able to spend lots of time together- reading books, playing with toys and even taking a walk in the park! I cherished every second with James and Elise!!!!!!

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