Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fun with Snow

Elise is now officially 19 weeks old- only 7 more weeks until she's SIX MONTHS!!!!!! I am amazed by how quickly time has passed and how much she is growing up.

Below are a few fun pics that we took this weekend.

Last weekend was Grandpa Moseley's birthday- so we had to take a picture of Elise wishing him a "Happy Birthday." Abby and Marissa helped make the sign and birthday hat.

Above is a picture James took right before I put on her hat- I just LOVE the way she's looking at me here!!!! She's so sweet!!!

Friday night/Saturday morning we got about a foot of snow!!

Since it was so cold- we didn't think we should take Elise outside, so we brought the snow inside to her!!!!

She played with the snow a little bit- but didn't play too long because it was cold on her little fingers. We did get a few cute pictures of her playing with the snow and also with the "mini-snow dog" that James made for her.

Elise had her 4 month doctor's appointment this past Thursday and she received some of her 4 month vacines (I get to go back in two weeks with her to get the rest). She did great- didn't even cry!!

Elise has had quite a few skin outbreaks lately- which the doctor checked and believes that she has Eczema. She shoulders were so bad that they he believed that they were getting infected (so sad). He prescribed her with a special skin ointment and an antibiotic to give her for the next 10 days. She's doing great after only 3 days- I see tons of improvement!!!! She's such a trooper!!

1 comment:

Brian, Beth, Garrett, Lucy, Brooks and Deacon White said...

ok...that's so funny & clever to bring the snow inside to her. i love it! we're actually getting some snow today. shockingly they called for it & it's here! hope everyone's doing you, girl! happy valentine's!