Here are a few pictures of our new house.... Even though we have been living here for almost 7 months- we finally feel like we can concentrate on making it "home" (now that James' house is sold).
This is, of course, a picture of the front. We love the brick exterior and love the fact that it's located on a dead end street (no traffic at all).
The landscaping is a "work in progress." The previous owners had one of everything in their flower garden- and we wish to simplify- we don't want to spend every single weekend in the garden (all 7 of them!)
We need another chair or something in this room because there's a big space in the right corner (which you can't see because I cut it out of the picture).
You can see the keys of my piano in the bottom right- I guess I need to start playing it again... huh?
This is our cute little living room/sitting room. It's going to be great for any time when when one of us just needs a "moment alone" because it has pocket doors which completely close off the room.
I love the colors in this room and the curtians. It was the perfect place to hang our gorgeous wedding photo.
**For anyone who remembers- this is the furniture from my apartment.
Even though James was a little nervous about painting the walls blue- I think that it was a great improvement and gave the room a little character.
I want to put curtains in this room... but I know it needs something else- any ideas?
I love the colors in this room and the chandelier. We need to add curtains, a table runner, pictures/mirror and some other decorations.
I currently am displaying James' Grandmother's china in the buffet (which you can barely see in this picture) and some of our wedding flowers and decorations in the china cabinet.
This last picture is our screen-in porch and probably our favorite part of the house. We have been spending most of our time this Spring on the porch eating dinner and talking in the evenings.
This room gives us a beautiful view of our back yard... we have 1 acre of grass and 2 acres of woods. It's a lovely, peaceful area.
James is planning to add insulation and carpeting to make this porch a three-seasons room so that we can use it even more in the future.
We're both enjoying our new house and spending time together decorating it and trying to make it "our home."